Loadmanna v4.8.53 Release Notes:

Untitled design


Instapay Cash Out UI Changes

  • We have improved the confirmation page for cash-out transactions to display more accurate transaction details.

Adjustments on Loadmanna Ticket Raffle Page UI

  • We have enhanced the Ticket Raffle Page’s user interface (UI) to make it more visually appealing and suitable for the upcoming voucher promo of Loadmanna.

Transaction History UI Improvements

  • We have enhanced the transaction history user interface (UI), making it more visually appealing and adding new features such as search functionality and the ability to view transaction history by wallet type (e.g., Manna Wallet, Load Wallet, LM Wallet, and Activation Pins).

Affiliate Link Sharing

  • Members can now easily share their affiliate link across multiple messaging and social media apps, including Discord, Viber, Messenger, Gmail, and Telegram using the Send Affiliate Link function of the application.


Ticket Transfer Auto Refresh

  • The issue that occurred previously, where a member’s ticket list wouldn’t refresh after transferring a ticket, has been resolved. Members are no longer required to relogin in order to refresh their ticket list.

Bills Payment Icon Issue

  • The issue with the bills payment confirmation page, where the biller icon was not displayed, has been fixed.

New Features

Biometrics Scan (Android Only)

  • To enhance security and efficiency, we have added a new feature to the Loadmanna application. Members can now set up fingerprint biometrics, providing a more secure and convenient method of accessing the application.
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